torsdag 6 juni 2013


Is P.E.K.K.A a knight? A samurai? A robot? No one knows! P.E.K.K.A´s armor absorbs even the mightiest of blows, but it doesn´t handle electricity too well.


The might of the dragons are know throughout the land. This scaly terror of the skies feels no mercy and nothing will escape the fiery splashes of his breath.


This majestic creature lives to protect and aid her fellow troops. Any army is improved with her healing support, but make sure to protect her from air defenses!


The Wizard is a terrifying presence on the battlefield. Pair him up wit some of his fellows and cast concentrated blasts of destruction on anything, land or sky!


 These promoted skeletons have traded in their joy of destroying walls for a joy of destroying defenses. Deploy them to take out pesky Mortars and Cannons!

Wall Breaker

Nothing warms a Wall Breaker's cold and undead heart like blowing up walls. A squad of them will make way for your ground units, and they will do it with a BANG!


These big guys may seem calm, but show them a turret or cannon and you´ll see their fury unleashed! Slow yet durable, these warriors are best used to soak up hits.